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Fertility Preservation Treatment

Fertility Preservation

In the realm of fertility preservation, cryopreservation stands as a remarkable feat. This process involves subjecting cells or tissues to sub-zero temperatures, halting their biological clock and preserving their potential for the future. Modern times have ushered in the necessity for such techniques. The delays in parenthood and the challenges posed by conditions like cancer have fueled the adoption of advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) methods, including Cryopreservation and Vitrification.

Cryopreservation's Reach: Embryos, Sperm, and Beyond

At Ferty9 Fertility Centre, we extend the benefits of cryopreservation across various fronts. For couples on a fertility journey, we offer IVF Egg Freezing, Semen Freezing, and Embryo Freezing, including the advanced technique of Blastocyst Freezing. This approach ensures that the prospects of conception remain alive, offering renewed hope to those in need. Ferty9 takes pride in being a pioneer in this arena, ensuring that the magic of life can be unlocked whenever the time is right.

Oocyte Vitrification

Discover the forefront of fertility preservation with Ferty9's Oocyte Vitrification treatment. This cutting-edge process involves carefully harvesting unfertilized eggs and rapidly freezing them using advanced vitrification techniques. By avoiding the formation of ice crystals, this method ensures that the structural integrity of the eggs remains intact. This way, when you're ready to start your journey to parenthood, these frozen eggs can be thawed and utilized for assisted reproductive technologies like IVF. This revolutionary approach offers individuals the flexibility to plan their family without the constraints of time, age, or medical circumstances. Our specialists at Ferty9 are adept at this delicate process, ensuring that your fertility aspirations are preserved with the utmost precision and care.

Onco Freezing - Oocytes/Sperms/Embryos

Ferty9 recognizes that life's battles sometimes demand immediate choices. Onco Freezing stands as a beacon of hope for individuals confronted with medical treatments that could impact fertility. For those about to undergo cancer treatments or other medical procedures, the Onco Freezing process involves carefully collecting and freezing oocytes (eggs), sperm, or embryos. This delicate procedure ensures that these reproductive components are preserved in optimal condition. Once your health journey is complete, you can look forward to utilizing these preserved materials to fulfill your dreams of becoming a parent. Ferty9's Onco Freezing is a testament to our commitment to comprehensive patient care, ensuring that even in the face of health challenges, you can hold onto the possibility of a future family with confidence and resilience.


What is fertility preservation

Fertility preservation is a medical procedure that allows people to preserve their fertility for future use. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who are facing factors that may compromise their reproductive capabilities, such as cancer treatments, advanced age, or certain medical conditions. Fertility preservation offers hope to those people who wish to have biological children in the future by preserving their sperm, eggs, or embryos.

Why is fertility preservation is offered

Fertility preservation is offered to people who are at risk of failing their fertility due to various factors, such as cancer treatments, surgery, or certain medical conditions. These treatments and conditions can severely impact reproductive capabilities, making it difficult or impossible to conceive naturally. Fertility preservation allows individuals the opportunity to preserve their gametes or embryos before undergoing these treatments or facing these conditions, increasing the chances of future successful pregnancies and biological parenthood.

Who can consider fertility preservation?

Fertility preservation can be considered by individuals who have a higher risk of fertility loss. Various factors can be responsible for fertility issues, including individuals who are about to undergo cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is also beneficial for individuals planning to delay starting a family due to personal or career-related reasons. Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions or those who are undergoing gender transition may also consider fertility preservation to preserve their reproductive options for the future.

What is social freezing?

Social freezing, also known as elective egg freezing, is a fertility preservation option that allows individuals to freeze and store their eggs for future use. It primarily benefits women who wish to delay childbearing for personal or career-related reasons. Social freezing offers women the opportunity to preserve their fertility by freezing their ova or eggs at a younger age when they are more likely to be of higher quality and have a better possibility of resulting in a successful pregnancy when used in the future.

How does egg freezing work?

Egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, includes retrieving and storing a woman's eggs for future use. The process begins with hormonal stimulation to encourage the development of multiple eggs in the ovaries. Once the eggs have reached the appropriate size, they are retrieved using a minimally invasive transvaginal procedure under ultrasound guidance. The retrieved eggs are then vitrified, a technique that rapidly freezes them to preserve their viability. The fertility centres can store these frozen eggs for an extended period and thawed when the woman is ready to use them for fertility treatments.

What factors influence the success of egg freezing?

The egg freezing success depends on several components, including the woman's age at the time of egg freezing, the quality of the eggs, and the method used for freezing and thawing. Younger females have a higher chance of success as they generally have more good-quality eggs. The vitrification technique used at Ferty9 Fertility Centre has significantly improved egg freezing success rates by preventing ice crystal formation and preserving the eggs' quality. Additionally, the expertise and experience of the fertility specialists performing the procedure play a crucial role in the success of egg freezing. Our team at Ferty9 Fertility Centre comprises highly skilled fertility professionals dedicated to providing the best possible care and maximising the chances of a successful pregnancy using frozen eggs.

Are there any side effects?

Egg freezing is a safe and well-tolerated procedure, and the risk of complications is minimal. However, as with any medical procedure, some complications may occur in this process. Common side effects of the hormone injections used for ovarian stimulation include mild bloating, breast tenderness, and mood swings. These side effects are temporary and usually resolve on their own after the completion of the treatment. In rare cases, there may be a risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a condition characterised by excessive fluid accumulation in the abdomen and chest. However, with careful monitoring and individualised treatment protocols, the risk of OHSS can be minimised. At Ferty9 Fertility Centre, our experienced fertility specialists closely monitor each patient throughout the egg freezing process to ensure their safety and well-being.

How is sperm freezing done?

Sperm freezing, or sperm cryopreservation, includes collecting a semen sample and freezing it for future use. The process of freezing sperm allows individuals to preserve their fertility and have the option of using their sperm for assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

What is embryo freezing?

Embryo freezing, or embryo cryopreservation, is a method used in assisted reproductive technology. It includes the freezing and storage of embryos for future use.

How long can embryos be stored through freezing?

Embryos can be safely stored by freezing for many years. The duration of time embryos can be stored depends on various factors, including fertility centre regulations and individuals' or couples' preferences.

Fertility Treatment