Together in IVF: Ferty9 Helps Foreign Couples Conceive, Despite History of Tubal Pregnancy
Hyderabad, July 25, 2024: In past few years, advancements in reproductive technology have made it possible even for couples with advanced age to achieve pregnancy. This is the story of Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Isabel (names changed), a couple who successfully conceived through IVF with minimal medication, thanks to the innovative approaches and personalized care at Ferty9 Fertility Center.
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Background and Challenges
Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Isabel, aged 39 and 38 respectively, had been married for six years and had a history of two pregnancies, both of which were unfortunately tubal pregnancies. This means the pregnancies occurred outside the uterus, in the fallopian tubes, leading to emergency surgeries and the removal of both of Mrs. Isabel's fallopian tubes. Additionally, Mr. Andrew's semen analysis showed lower sperm concentration and motility. Given these challenges, IVF was chosen as the mode of treatment after thorough counseling.
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Personalized Treatment Approach
Considering Mrs. Isabel's age, body mass index (BMI), and ovarian reserve, her ovarian stimulation began with carefully tailored doses of gonadotrophins, which are hormones used to stimulate the ovaries. Her endometrial thickness and pattern were also monitored to plan for a fresh embryo transfer due to visa-related time constraints. After eight days of stimulation, she was ready for egg retrieval. However, the presence of an endometrial polyp (a growth in the uterus) required a hysteroscopy-guided polypectomy (a procedure to remove the polyp) on the same day as the egg retrieval. Six eggs were retrieved, four of which were mature and successfully fertilized with fresh sperm from Mr. Andrew, resulting in four high-quality embryos that were frozen.
Following the retrieval, Mrs. Isabel's natural cycle was utilized for the frozen embryo transfer, respecting her preference for minimal medication. Her cycle was monitored through periodic scans, and on the 21st day, after confirming follicle rupture (indicating ovulation), two good-quality blastocysts were transferred. Mrs. Isabel chose to avoid additional medication typically given during and after the transfer, relying on natural hormonal support.
Also read: Advanced IVF Fertility Labs: What’s New at Ferty9?
Successful Outcome and Key Takeaways
Two weeks later, a blood test confirmed a positive pregnancy result. Further ultrasounds showed a healthy, progressing pregnancy, bringing immense joy to the couple.
Dr. Maunica Sorakayalapeta, Fertility Consultant, Ferty9 Fertility Center, while detailing about the case said, "This case highlights the importance of a personalized approach in fertility treatments. By respecting the couple's preferences and closely monitoring the natural cycle, we were able to achieve a successful pregnancy with minimal medication. It’s a testament to the possibilities that personalized fertility care can offer."
This successful pregnancy serves as an encouraging example for couples with advanced age facing similar challenges. With careful monitoring and a personalized approach, achieving a healthy pregnancy is possible even with minimal medication, reducing risks and promoting overall well-being. The journey of Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Isabel demonstrates our promise to be together with you in your IVF journey, showcasing how teamwork and trust can create miracles.

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