Procedure to follow male infertility testing
Male infertility is a health issue that does concern childless couples and needs to be medically examined. Male fertility in Hyderabad is an issue given much importance by medical professionals.
Male infertility challenges are if unable to conceive. Male fertility in Hyderabad is of much concern of late.
Factors that can affect male fertility
- Anatomical or genetic abnormalities
- Infections
- Systemic or neurological diseases
- Trauma
- Gonadotoxicity radiation therapy
- Sperm antibodies
Genetic Testing
Male fertility testing happens to be a simple and routine procedure. semen analysis is a common procedure. But there are plenty of exceptions to this.
How semen analysis is done?
Semen samples are done in two different ways.
The patient can ejaculate into a special container at the doctor’s office. If this is not an option due to religious or cultural beliefs, then the patient can use a special condom during intercourse.
Several samples are taken as sperm counts do fluctuate from one specimen to no doubt the next.
Sperm cells do tend to pass all the standard medical tests for fertility, but there still may be trouble growing one’s family.
This could mean a condition known as normozoospermic infertility, implying that the sperm cells themselves are infertile and requires a urine analysis.
How urinalysis is carried out?
At the doctor’s office or even the testing facility, the patient will be provided with a plastic cup and then asked to be provided a small, clean urine sample. Making use of the cleaning wipe the patient will be given to wipe one’s urethra to prevent bacteria on the penis from entering the cup.
Results of urinalysis of fertility
Doctors can indeed off a late test for normozoospermic infertility by tracking the levels of five biomarkers (small molecules) in the patient’s urine.
Researchers say that the variant levels of these biomarkers actually may highlight physiological problems as the root of normozoospermic infertility.
Making sperm is an energy-intensive process and any spike in the production wheel could disrupt proper sperm production. The more known about the biomarkers, the easier it shall be to fix any sort of physiological problem.
Hormone testing
The pituitary gland, hypothalamus, as well as testicles do work together when it involves sperm production.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as well as luteinizing hormone (LH), act together with testosterone, which is produced in the testicles that are involved in the process.
A simple blood test will indicate the level of these three important hormones in the patient’s blood.
This hormone does add to sperm production.
High levels can indicate that the testicles are not functioning properly or have been damaged by disease, X-rays, or chemotherapy. Low levels may show that are not producing sperm.
This is produced in one’s pituitary gland. In the testes, LT tends to bind to receptors in the Leydig cells to release the testosterone required to produce sperm.
LH levels can indeed also be measured after giving an injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The advantage of measuring LH via this method is that the doctor can then pinpoint whether the problem is with one’s pituitary gland or another part of one’s body.
- Healthy testosterone levels for men range from 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Ke infections It is important to keep in mind that after the age of 40, testosterone levels do decrease by an average of around 1 percent every year.
Male infertility is a worrisome medical health issue and childless couples are much concerned about it. Men are usually hesitant to get them examined as they feel there is nothing wrong wot them if a woman is not getting pregnant. Yet medical professionals feel that both partners need to be examined and even the male partner if the couple is unable to bear a child.

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