IVF Success Rates by Age

Reviewed By: Dr. Tejeswini Nese, fertility specialist at Ferty9 Fertility Center, Secunderabad

The most popular ART procedure (assisted reproductive technology) is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), which is used as a treatment modality for people having trouble getting pregnant due to certain associated conditions. Oocytes (eggs) are retrieved from a woman's ovaries, fertilized with sperm in a laboratory under precise culture conditions, and the resultant embryo is then placed in the uterus when the endometrium is favorable. It is a ray of hope for couples with infertility due to bilateral tubal factor, severe male factor, severe endometriosis, PCO, and unexplained infertility with failed other modalities of treatment. It also immensely helps couples with genetic issues in either of the partners. Each person's IVF process timeline differs and can be influenced by a number of variables, including the age of both partners, the cause of infertility, associated medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, etc., and previous treatment procedures and their outcomes. Although this is an estimate, a full IVF cycle typically takes four to six weeks from the beginning of ovarian stimulation to embryo transfer.

IVF Success Rates Across Different Age Groups

Women's fertility decreases as they age. Biological infertility happens around 10–12 years prior to menopause, and the majority of women attain menopause by their early fifties. Fecundability, or the likelihood of becoming pregnant in a single menstrual cycle, is known to start declining in the early thirties, showing a dramatic decline beyond 35 years of age.

IVF Success Rates Under 35

The highest IVF success rates are in women under 35. Younger women's improved ovarian reserve and egg quality are major contributors to these highest success rates. Additionally, the clinic's experience, the couple's general health, and associated factors all affect the chances of success. Within the first few treatment cycles, many women in this age bracket have good results. In terms of IVF success rates, cumulative live birth rates are around 51.1% for women under 35.

IVF Success Rates 35 to 37 

The cumulative live birth rates with the patient's own eggs for a singleton (one kid) birth are around 38.6% for women aged 35–37. Compared to younger women, this age group frequently experiences a minor drop in fertility, primarily as a result of declining ovarian reserve and egg quality. However, many women in this range still have excellent results within the first few cycles if they have the right medical care.

IVF Success Rates: 38 to 40

The proportion falls to 24.8% for those aged 38–40 and 12.8% for those aged 41–42. As women age, their ovarian reserve and egg quality inevitably fall, which is the main cause of the decline in success rates as compared to younger age groups. Even yet, a lot of women in this age range still use IVF to get pregnant successfully, particularly if other reproductive variables are in their favor.​

IVF Success Rates Over 40 

IVF success rate for a singleton delivery utilizing the patient's eggs is around 3.9 % for women over 42. ​Although IVF over 40 requires more cycles, women in this category still have a moderate likelihood of success. Natural conception becomes challenging when egg quality becomes a significant limiting factor. IVF success rates over 40 might be impacted by lifestyle choices, medical issues, and fertility clinic expertise.

Also read: The Impact Of Age On Fertility

What is the Best IVF Age Limit?

The age of the woman undergoing treatment and the reason for her infertility affect the IVF transfer success rate.  A successful pregnancy is more likely to occur in younger women. The odds of a successful pregnancy are considered to be extremely low for women over 42; hence, IVF is typically not advised for them. 

Why IVF Success Decreases with Age

The following considerations are the main reasons why IVF success declines with age:

Diminishing Ovarian Reserve (Reduced Egg Quality and Quantity)

Women's egg quantity and quality drastically decrease with age once she is beyond 35 years of age. The ovaries generate fewer eggs as people age, and the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in these eggs is higher. This may lead to decreased fertility and a higher risk of miscarriage. For women who have been suggested IVF, understanding these changes is essential since it emphasizes how important it is to seek reproductive assistance at the right time for good family planning.

Poor Embryo Quality

The quality of IVF-created embryos decreases with age in women, mostly because older eggs are more likely to have chromosomal defects. These anomalies can lower the likelihood of successful implantation and hinder appropriate embryonic growth. 

Uterine Health

Uterine health can affect a woman's ability to conceive and the result of her pregnancy. Fibroids, and Adenomyosis have an increased incidence in women in the age group 30-45. These are known to impact the implantation of embryos. Hence, thorough evaluation and treatment might help achieve better outcomes.

Other Factors Impacting IVF Success Rates

IVF success rates can be greatly impacted by a number of factors other than women's age, including sperm quality, lifestyle choices, and associated conditions identified like PCO, endometriosis, and clinic competence. 

Number of IVF Cycles

The total number of IVF cycles a patient receives can have an immense effect on treatment success rates. Individual IVF cycle success rates might differ, but cumulative success rates and chances of getting pregnant vary based on the age and outcome of the first cycle of IVF. While older women may show declining benefits after several cycles, younger women often have greater success rates each cycle. The quality of the sperm and embryos, a woman's health, and any underlying condition can all affect how successful the following cycles are. Clinics may use these factors to customize further treatment options for a particular couple.

Individual Fertility Issues

To maximize the odds of a successful IVF outcome, each person's reproductive concerns require a customized examination, evaluation, and treatment plan. Here are several important variables that affect success rates: ovarian reserve, sperm quality, uterine issues, and hormonal factors, especially Thyroid hormone.


The success rates of IVF procedures can be greatly impacted by lifestyle variables. IVF success rates may be influenced by a number of variables, including body weight, nutrition and diet, smokingalcohol, drug abuse, exercise, stress, and environmental factors.

Strategies to Improve IVF Success Rates at Any Age

Women should concentrate on eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet, using relaxation techniques to reduce stress, and attaining a healthy BMI in order to improve the success rates of IVF at any age. Frequent moderate exercise can improve general health, but it's important to discuss any underlying medical issues with a healthcare professional. Treatment results might be greatly impacted by selecting a reputable fertility clinic with skilled doctors and a high-quality IVF laboratory. Furthermore, taking into account genetic testing for embryos might increase the likelihood of successful implantation in selected couples.

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Women's age has a significant impact on IVF success rates. Women under 35 have the greatest rates since they produce more and healthier eggs. These rates start to fall as women become older, especially around the age of 35. Reduced ovarian reserve and a higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos are the main causes of this drop. For those who have been suggested IVF, knowing these age-related patterns is crucial since it allows them to make well-informed decisions regarding treatment alternatives and timing.​

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IVF Success Rates by Age

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At what age should I consider IVF?

The ideal age to take into account IVF might differ depending on factors identified in basic fertility workup and previous fertility treatment record. Speaking with a fertility expert can yield individualized insights and assist in determining when it's best for you.

What role does egg quality play in IVF success rates?

IVF success rates are greatly impacted by egg quality since better eggs have a higher chance of producing viable good quality embryos, which can then be successfully implanted and result in pregnancy.
Fertility Treatment