IUI and beginner’s guide to Intrauterine insemination
These days many are opting for IUI treatment to resolve their infertility issues. Intrauterine insemination is carried out professionally and conceiving chances are there.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) happens to be a type of artificial insemination and a procedure for treating infertility. IUI treatment is popular of late.
The expected outcome of intrauterine insemination is for the sperm to really swim into the fallopian tube and then fertilize a waiting egg, resulting in pregnancy.
Why IUI?
A couple’s ability to become pregnant does rely on several different factors. Intrauterine insemination is made used of most often in couples who tend to have:
- Donor sperm – For women who do need to make use of donor sperm to get pregnant, IUI is rather most commonly made used to achieve pregnancy. Frozen donor sperm specimens are no doubt obtained from certified labs and also thawed before the IUI procedure.
- Unexplained infertility – IUI is indeed often performed as a first treatment for unexplained infertility coupled with ovulation-inducing medications. Intrauterine insemination is the way out of this health issue.
- Endometriosis-related infertility – For infertility that is related to endometriosis, making use of medications to obtain a good-quality egg along with performing IUI is indeed often the first treatment approach.
- Mild male factor infertility (subfertility) – One’s partner’s semen analysis, which happens to be the initial first step in the medical assessment of infertility, may of course indicate below-average sperm concentration, weak movement (motility) of sperm, or abnormalities in sperm size as well as shape (morphology). IUI can overcome a few of these problems as preparing sperm for the procedure does help separate highly motile, normal sperm from those of acknowledged lower quality.
- Cervical factor infertility – One’s cervix, at the lower end of the woman’s uterus, does provide the opening between one’s vagina as well as the uterus. The mucus produced by the cervix at ovulation tends to provide an ideal environment for sperm to travel from one’s vagina to the fallopian tubes. If the cervical mucus is too thick, it may rather impede the sperm’s journey. The cervix itself may also prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Scarring, caused by a biopsy or other procedures, can thicken the cervix. IUI bypasses one’s cervix, depositing sperm directly into the woman’s uterus and also increasing the number of sperm available to meet the awaiting egg.
- Ovulatory factor infertility – IUI can also be carried out for women who have infertility occurring due to problems with ovulation, including an absence of ovulation or a reduced number of eggs.
- Semen allergy – Rarely, an allergy to proteins in semen can be a cause of infertility. Ejaculation into the woman’s vagina does cause redness, burning as well as swelling where the semen contacts the skin. A condom can indeed protect a person from the symptoms, but it also prevents pregnancy. If one’s sensitivity is severe, IUI can be effective, since as several of the proteins in semen are indeed removed before the sperm is inserted.
- Infection
- Spotting
- Multiple pregnancies
The visit for intrauterine insemination does take about 15 to 20 minutes and is usually performed in a doctor’s office or even in a clinic. The IUI procedure takes about a minute or two and also requires no medications or even pain relievers. The doctor or a specially trained nurse does perform the procedure.
During the procedure
While lying on an examination table, the patient puts the legs into stirrups. The care provider does insert a speculum into the vagina — similar to what the person may experience during a Pap test. During the procedure, the doctor or nurse:
- Attaches a vial that contains a sample of healthy sperm to the end of a long, thin, flexible tube (catheter).
- Inserts the catheter into the woman’s vagina, via the cervical opening and into the woman’s uterus.
- Pushes the sperm sample via the tube into the woman’s uterus.
- Removes the catheter, followed by the speculum.
After the procedure
After insemination, the person lies on one’s back for a brief period. Once the procedure is over, the person can get dressed and go about daily activities. Some light spotting for a day or two after the procedure.
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