Irregular Periods: A warning sign to be taken care of

Best gynecologist hospitals in Hyderabad have the infrastructure to deal with menstrual health issues. Women patients can try to visit famous gynecologist in Hyderabad to get relief. Famous gynecologist in Hyderabad can do wonders.

Although the possibility of stress being the reason, if one’s periods are frequently irregular it is better to go to one’s gynecologist for an examination in order to determine if anything is wrong. From the time the first period begins, every woman needs to keep an eye on her menstrual cycle and also jot down some details about each period. Knowing how the body behaves during menstruation will help a person to see if there are any signs or irregular periods.

When a person is young and is first having irregular periods it is common to have an irregular cycle. Normal cycles do last between 28 as well as 30 days. There are some women who do have cycles of 32 days.

Best gynecologist hospitals in Hyderabad can deal with menstrual problems.

Normal periods tend to last from about three to seven days. Experts do regard a period lasting longer than 10 days as irregular. The same is true for periods to arrive earlier or later than five days from normal. Famous gynecologist in Hyderabad is worth approaching to cope up with menstrual health issues.

An irregular menstrual cycle can be on account of variety of factors. Some could be due to disease, while others could indeed be simple hormonal problems. During the teenage years, for example, it is common to have irregular periods. This is typically on account of hormonal changes as a person ages.

The same occurs when the woman approaches menopause.

Common signs of irregular periods

The woman needs to be aware of any mood swings. Hair loss as well as weak nails can be other signs of hormonal problems. There are six signs of irregular periods that could rather indicate a disease or other conditions. In such situation, it is better to a visit one’s doctor. A famous gynecologist in Hyderabad can do the needful.

1. A fishy odor

A fishy odor can have a characteristic smell that does indicate bacterial reproduction in the vaginal area. In general, it is rather due to an infection. This implies that the person needs to go to the gynecologist as soon as possible.

Infections can cause menstrual cycle to be irregular. It can also get quite complicated on account of injuries.

2. Very early or perhaps very late irregular periods

  • If early it does occur every 24 days. When it comes to adolescents, it is rather considered irregular in case it is every 21 days.
  • On the other hand, a cycle of longer than perhaps 35 days is no doubt considered to be significantly late for adult women. For adolescents, this would in fact be at 45 days or even perhaps more.

3. Very prolonged irregular periods

Another sign of irregular periods is how long they tend to last. Usually, the period needs to last between three to five days. In few cases it may last up to seven days.

When the woman’s period does last longer than a week she does require to visit the doctor. There could be a physical health issue behind it.

4. Very heavy periods

It is important to pay attention to any sort of increase in one’s menstrual flow.

  • If the woman does constantly require changing her tampon or pad it might be considered an increase.
  • Normal flow does require a change three to four times a day.

Symptoms associated with one’s period

For some women, abdominal pain as well as headaches happens to be common during their menstrual cycles. If one’s headaches do turn into an acute migraine, it could indicate a problem.

This also does apply to intense muscle or even back pain. Radical mood swings also happen to be warning signs. If one’s period is accompanied by a fever or vomiting the woman should visit the doctor immediately.

Irregular Periods: A warning sign to be taken care of

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