How PCOD does affect fertility?
PCOD means infertility which needs expert medical attention which is available in Hyderabad. Childless couples can seriously think of having a healthy baby.
PCOS and PCOD are made use of interchangeably but there are some differences between them, however, the difference is very less. PCOD is the condition that does affect the ovaries and is limited to the ovaries only while the PCOS does affect the complete metabolism of one’s body and its functioning in some of the other ways. PCOD does greatly affect the fertility of a woman by disrupting the functioning of the female reproductive system. It is possible to get the best PCOD treatment in Hyderabad.
The condition needs to be controlled when it can be or else it will indeed lead to other bigger problems that one will not come to know about in the later section.
In the earlier days, women hardly had hair on their upper lips, underarms, etc. but nowadays every woman is faced with the issue. No doubt having hair happens to be a natural phenomenon, one wonders why one suffers from it. Does it imply one has an unhealthy body? Yes, it does, but not in every situation. Abnormal hair growth indicates an imbalance in hormones, which is a consequence of PCOD.
PCOD usually does occur in females in the middle age, i.e., when they are mature enough to have children. However, it might also occur during adolescence too. It is genetic, i.e, if someone in one’s blood relation has it, and then the chances of suffering from it are there. One can think of having the best PCOD treatment in Hyderabad.
How can PCOD be detected?
- Irregularity in periods.
- Extreme hair fall
- Abnormal hair growth
- Acne
- Obesity
- Skin darkening
It is possible to confuse this syndrome with irregular periods. Yet, PCOD might, in fact, be the cause of irregularity in periods. PCOD is a medical disorder which is rather caused by the release of an abnormal amount of sex hormones. The reproductive system of a female does comprise of different organs. Each part performs a specific function.
- Ovaries
- Fallopian Tubes
- Uterus
- Vagina
The ovaries are meant for holding eggs. These eggs are very small and immature. A little structure filled with fluid referred to as follicles contain the eggs after they get released.
What happens when you have PCOD?
The functioning of the ovaries is directed by one’s pituitary gland. They communicate via the production of hormones. Every month, it releases the FSH i.e., Follicle Stimulating Hormones and the Luteinizing Hormone into a person’s bloodstream. As soon as these hormones do tend to reach the eggs, they start maturing while the size of the follicles actually expand and then secretes estrogen (female sex hormone). A certain level of estrogen, which when attained, the pituitary gland does send a large amount of Luteinizing Hormones to the ovaries. Next, the follicle plays its role and matures, and releases the egg. This is referred to as ovulation. Then the released egg does await to be fertilized and in case this does not take place, the egg along with the uterus lining is rather shed as the subsequent menstrual period does arrive. It is possible to have the best PCOD treatment in Hyderabad.
PCOD affects fertility
PCOD syndrome involves the pituitary gland secretion of an abnormal amount of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) into the patient’s bloodstream. This causes the failure of the follicles to mature and ovulation does not take place. This, in turn, means infertility. These follicles may not get dissolved and develop into cysts.
Another reason for suffering from infertility could be the abnormal amount of insulin in one’s blood. When the excess of insulin tends to combine with an excess of LH, they do produce extremely high amounts of male sex hormones, i.e., testosterone. Imbalances that do exist in the levels of testosterone in one’s ovaries do rather prevent the process of ovulation and also leads to infertility. It causes acne and also abnormal hair growth.
How is fertility affected by PCOD?
- Abnormal levels of LH prevents ovulation
- Abnormal levels of insulin that combined with extremely high amounts LH does prevent ovulation by rather producing an extremely high amount of male sex hormone, testosterone.

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