Together in IVF: Ferty9 Fertility Center Helps Couple to Conceive after 4 Failed IVF Cycles

Hyderabad, August 08, 2024: Ferty9 successfully helped a couple with advanced age achieve pregnancy through IVF. Mrs. Riya, aged 39, and Mr. Santosh (names changed) have successfully conceived following optimized IVF treatment under the expert guidance of Dr. C Jyothi Budi. This remarkable achievement marks a significant milestone for both the couple and Ferty9 Fertility Center.

Background and Challenges

Mrs. Riya and Mr. Santosh had been struggling with primary infertility for several years. Mrs. Riya, 39, had a history of four failed IVF cycles and a low anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) level of 0.5 ng/mL, which indicated a reduced ovarian reserve. These factors made it difficult for the couple to conceive naturally, and they had even considered the possibility of using donor eggs.

Tailored IVF Approach:

Despite the significant challenges, Mrs. Riya and Mr. Santosh were determined to conceive with their own gametes. Under Dr. Jyothi Budi’s expert guidance, the team at Ferty9 Fertility Center implemented a modified IVF program tailored to the couple’s specific needs. This program included pre-treatment to improve ovarian response, embryo pooling to increase the chances of success, and Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGTA) to ensure the selection of genetically normal embryos.

In addition, a hysteroscopic polypectomy was performed to remove an endometrial polyp discovered during stimulation, and a natural cycle endometrial preparation was used to create the ideal environment for implantation. The result was a positive pregnancy test, a testament to the success of the treatment despite the age-related challenges faced by the couple.

Expert Commentary:

“This case presented a number of challenges, but Ferty9 team's dedication and the advanced techniques we employed made all the difference. Mrs. Riya and Mr. Santosh's determination and trust in the team were crucial in achieving this successful pregnancy. It is immensely rewarding to witness their dream of parenthood come true”, said Dr Jyothi Budi, Medical Director,Ferty9 Fertility Center.

Successful Outcome and Key Takeaways

Mrs. Riya and Mr. Santosh’s success story underscores Ferty9 Fertility Center's commitment to helping couples achieve their dreams of parenthood, no matter the challenges. Ferty9’s commitment to stand together with you in your IVF journey, leveraging state-of-the-art technology, a dedicated team, and personalized care, continues to lead the way in fertility treatment, offering hope and solutions to families facing infertility.

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