15 Little Tips to Care for Your Uterus
In China, the uterus is referred to as, “a woman’s inner palace” and “palace of the child”.
It is known as a palace because happens it to be the place in order to create as well as nurture a future generation who are the next sons as well as daughters. It is indeed a sacred place that does need special care and attention.
Many of the menstrual disharmonies that we experience such as painful periods, infertility, endometriosis, and dysfunctional and uterine bleeding can be avoided and also healed up by taking better care of this inner palace which is the uterus.
How to take better care of one’s uterus for a harmonious and healthy menstrual cycle?
1. One must avoid products that do contain xenoestrogen, which can reduce the elasticity of one’s uterine wall, thus making it thinner and also more fragile.
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10 major sources of xenoestrogens:
– Commercially grown meat and dairy products such as beef, pork, chicken, butter, milk, cheese, and ice cream. These products are usually contaminated with bovine growth hormones and tend to expose us to a lot of xenoestrogens.
– Also, any product that contains insecticides or pesticide residues can also have estrogenic effects. This includes everything we eat grains, nuts, fruits, legumes, and also veggies. One can have local organic foods whenever one can.
– Tap water is contaminated with petroleum derivatives which are a primary source of xenoestrogens. One must try to drink filtered water whenever it is possible.
– Shampoos, lotions, toothpaste, soaps, cosmetics as well as other personal care products that do contain paraben or phenoxyethanol, chemical compounds that are widely used by cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries as preservatives.
Xenoestrogens that enter our skin go directly into the tissue without passing through our liver for detoxification. As result, they get 100% absorbed by the body and can be 10 times more potent than those that are consumed orally.
– Soft plastics made use of as packaging materials are also often treated with chemical compounds called phthalates, a xenoestrogen, to increase their flexibility. This does include plastic-wrapped foods that are heated in the microwave which do contain some of the highest xenoestrogen levels. So it is better not to heat up the food or water with plastic in the microwave. One must avoid drinking coffee or other hot liquids in Styrofoam cups. Try also to store one’s food in glass containers whenever possible.
– Artificial food additives, which include artificial sweeteners and MSG, 31 substances added to food for the purpose of preservation, coloring, texture, and also that have flavor contain potential estrogenic effects. Propyl gallate, as well as 4-hexylresorcinol, are two of the additives that need to be wary of.
One must also avoid canned foods, which are generally lined with a plastic-based coating that does contain bisphenol-A (BPA), a xenoestrogen. Try to take less processed as well as packaged foods.
– Foods that contain more soy protein and soy protein isolate are also to be focused upon. These foods are usually packed with condensed and unnaturally high amounts of plant estrogen, which can also lead to estrogen dominance. Eat organic soybeans, edamame, tofu, or even tempeh instead.
– Tumble dryer sheets are also loaded with xenoestrogens in order to make one’s clothes feel soft and fresh. These residual xenoestrogens can also permeate one’s skin and also go directly into one’s cells. One must also make use of a natural liquid fabric softener or even ½ cup of baking soda in the rinse cycle instead.
– Disposable menstrual products can be made use of. In the conventional tampons in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has detected dioxins, which are a class of chemical contaminants that may increase cancer risk, reproductive and developmental problems, heart disease as well as diabetes.
One must avoid tampons and sanitary napkins that do contain chlorine, fragrance, wax, surfactants, rayon, etc. One must make use of those made of organic cotton or even other natural materials instead.
– Birth control pills, as well as conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), do contain synthetic hormones that can interrupt our natural hormone balance. There are several natural, effective birth control alternatives without the side effects of the pills.
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2. One having numerous sexual partners also increases the chances of pelvic inflammation.
3. Eating plenty of cold water fish that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel and even salmon helps to reduce the secretion of prostaglandin – a hormone-like substance that can actually make the uterus contract too hard, causing much pain and also increase the chances of a mal-positioning of one’s uterus.
4. One needs to exercise one’s pelvic muscles. Experts say that swimming is the best exercise to strengthen the uterus, and it is good to swim for two hours per week in order to reduce back pain, relieve period pain and make childbirth easier as well. If you do not have a swimming pool nearby, try pelvic exercise weights. They are effective as well.
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5. Avoid making use of birth control pills for an extended period of time. Research has also shown that making birth control pills continuously for over eight years can also interrupt the body’s natural hormone balance and also increase the chances of developing fibroids. Check out 10 birth control options without the pills.
6. One must have a clean sexual partner, otherwise, a woman can develop a pelvic inflammatory disease which can also be reduced by 70% when her sexual partner does clean up his private part before sexual intimacy. Experts say that much of the bacteria can also lead to a pelvic infection that gets carried in the folds of the male penis.
7. One must not hold one’s urine. If one holds, waste materials accumulate in the bladder possibly causing the bladder infection, which can also cause vaginal as well as pelvic infection, on account of the close proximity. Always existing enlarged bladder can also cause undue pressure on the uterus thus causing it to move out of position.
8. Quit smoking. Cancer-causing substances in cigarettes also tend to concentrate on the body fluids around one’s cervix. Long-term smoking can, of course, have a dangerous harmful effect on one’s uterus.
9. One must maintain a healthy body weight. Lacking adequate body fats in order to hold the uterus in place can also result in a prolapsed or dropped uterus, which does increase the chances of pelvic infections as well as period pain.
10. Do not sit for too long. Sitting at one’s desk for the longest period without adequate exercise does inhibit healthy blood and also energy circulation in the pelvic area. This can also cause the thickening of the uterine wall and also increase the chances of endometriosis. So get up and move around every hour or so.
11. One must massage one’s abdomen with rose essential oil. This is also a uterine care routine that is quite popular in China as well as Korea. Place two drops of rose essential oil into one’s palm. Warm it up by rubbing one’s palms together. Then also push one’s palms from one’s rib cage area towards one’s uterus. Massage it also a few times until the area gets a little bit warm. This is an excellent massage to prevent and relieve period pain.
12. Keep one’s uterus warm as cold that accumulates in one’s uterus is a common cause of painful periods as well as fertility issues. So avoid consuming raw as well as cold foods and also drink during one’s periods. Also, wear enough clothes to keep one’s body and one’s uterus warm.
13. Do have a nutritious breakfast with whole grains. Research shows that 30% of women do have pelvic diseases that have a lower-than-average intake of folic acid and beta-carotene. Whole grains are rich in these vital nutrients and also the best time for absorption is in the morning when one has breakfast.
14. One must pay attention to one’s vaginal discharge. Excessive, watery, cottage cheese-like, yellow, smelly, or otherwise abnormal vaginal discharges are of course early indications of a possible dysfunction of the uterus.
15. One has to improve one’s immunity to one’s uterus. The lemon is also rich in vitamin C and can also help improve one’s immunity to the uterus from one’s external bacteria. One must also start drinking a cup of warm lemon water in the morning.
Related Read: Irregular Periods: A warning sign to be taken care of
As the Chinese feel that our uterus is indeed a palace meant to house one’s innate ability to be able to create a new life and it also needs to be looked after.
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